By Ken Ring
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In the Northern Hemisphere, the 1st Quarter appears, when viewed from ground-level on Earth, as a D shape, but is reversed ‘down under’ in the Southern Hemisphere because viewers are viewing it moving in the opposite direction. Writing from the Southern Hemisphere, the little reminder I use is that when the Moon is approaching Full it is Coming and I think of the C shape. When it is on the other side of Full and approaching New it is Departing and I think of the D shape. As it is the reverse in the Northern Hemisphere, I would suggest readers there adopt expanDing and Collapsing.
The groups of tallies are arranged in groups of 14, which many believe to have been a record of days, measuring the time between Full and New Moon. Presumably, it was important to know when the next continuous night-light for hunting activities would occur, or when possibly the next mating period could be expected. In northwestern Mexico we find the same type of recording dating from a much later period of 2000-3000BC. carved on stone. These lunar calendrical tallies appear alongside lists of weapons and kills.
The four formative trends appear in the sequence:root, flower, leaf, fruit/seed, and these trends are repeated three times in the course of 27 days. The duration in which each impulse is active varies in length between one and a half and four days. The inner quality though, was considered to be individual to each constellation, which puts the Moon as the reflector of the ever-changing quality of the Sun throughout the course of the year. MOON REGION ASTROL. NAME AFFECT ON Bull, Virgin and Goat Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Root development Gemini, Libra, Twins, Scales and Water Carrier Aquarius Formation of the flower Crab, Scorpion and the Fishes Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces Leaf region Lion, Archer and Ram Leo, Sagittarius, Aries Fruit/seed region 44 Planting by the Moon Moon, her chariots drawn by maidens, exerts her influence over wells, streams and the sea, fishing and boating of all kinds, and even over the travelling mountebank who is performing the cups and balls trick on the table in the distance.