Download Pro Hibernate and MongoDB by Anghel Leonard PDF

By Anghel Leonard

Hibernate and MongoDB are a strong mixture of open resource endurance and NoSQL applied sciences for today's Java-based firm and cloud software developers. Hibernate is the major open resource Java-based endurance, item relational administration engine, lately repositioned as an item grid administration engine.  MongoDB is a growing to be, well known open resource NoSQL framework, specifically well known between cloud software and large facts developers.  With those , firm and cloud builders have a "complete out of the box" solution. 

Pro Hibernate and MongoDB indicates you the way to take advantage of and combine Hibernate and MongoDB.  extra in particular, this ebook publications you thru the bootstrap; construction transactions; dealing with queries and question entities; and mappings.  Then, this e-book explores the foundations and methods for taking those software ideas to the cloud, utilizing the OpenShift Platform as a provider (PaaS) and more. 

during this booklet, you get case reports:

• An company program utilizing Hibernate and MongoDB.  then,
• A cloud program (OpenShip) migrated from the company software case examine
After interpreting or utilizing this publication, you return away with the event from case reports that provide you with attainable frameworks or templates that you should follow for your personal particular software or cloud software development context.
<h3>What you’ll learn</h3> • how one can use and combine Hibernate and MongoDB to be your "complete out of the box" answer for database pushed firm and cloud purposes
• how you can bootstrap; run in supported environments; do transactions; deal with queries and question entities; and mappings
• the way to construct an company program case research utilizing Hibernate and MongoDB
• What are the rules and strategies for taking purposes to the Cloud, utilizing the OpenShift Platform as a provider (PaaS) and extra
• the way to construct a cloud-based app or application (OpenShip)
<h3>Who this e-book is for</h3>
This e-book is for knowledgeable Java, company Java programmers who could have a few event with Hibernate and/or MongoDB.
<h3>Table of Contents</h3>
half 1 Hibernate OGM (Object/Grid Mapper) and MongoDB basics for company and Cloud Applications

1. Getting all started With Hibernate OGM
2. Hibernate OGM and MongoDB
three. Bootstrapping Hibernate OGM
four. Hibernate OGM at Work
five. Hibernate OGM and JPA 2.0 Annotations
6. Hibernate OGM Querying MongoDB

half 2 constructing a Hibernate OGM/MongoDB whole Example

7. MongoDB e-Commerce Database Model
eight. MongoDB e-Commerce Database Querying

half three working MongoDB and Hibernate OGM in Cloud (PaaS)

nine. Migrate MongoDB Database to Cloud
10. Migrate RafaEShop to OpenShift

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Persistence> This file is typically saved in the source directory in a folder named META-INF, though in a web application it’s usually saved in the /src/conf folder. 41 Chapter 3 ■ Bootstrapping Hibernate OGM Next, you add a persistence unit; you can name it whatever you want. JPA implementations can either manage transactions themselves through RESOURCE_LOCAL, or have them managed by the application server’s JTA implementation. You use the transaction-type attribute to specify whether the entity managers provided by the entity manager factory for the persistence unit should be JTA or resource-local.

Here I’ll indicate the transaction type as JTA, because we want to use a JTA entity manager. (Whatever the server environment, Hibernate OGM recommends using JTA). ... Remember to not use RESOURCE_LOCAL (a resource-local entity manager) as it uses basic JDBC-level transactions and is more specific to Java SE applications, while JTA is the default in Java EE environments. 2. 3. Now you need to specify the persistence provider.

33 Chapter 2 ■ Hibernate OGM and MongoDB The documents of this collection have a particular structure composed of two parts. The first part contains the primary key of the association owner and the second part contains a field, named rows, which stores all foreign keys in an embedded collection. For each foreign key there’s a document in the embedded collection. For bidirectional cases, another document is created where the ids are reversed. If you’re familiar with the relational model this strategy should seem closer to your experience.

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