Download Reefs and Carbonate Platforms in the Pacific and Indian by G. F. Camoin, P. J. Davies PDF

By G. F. Camoin, P. J. Davies

This IAS particular book #27 includes 17 of the papers awarded on the IAS foreign Workshop on Reefs and Carbonate structures within the Pacific and Indian oceans held in Sydney (July 1995). this is often the 1st e-book to summarize the present nation of information approximately reefs and carbonate structures in those oceans, the place there's a nice range of carbonate platforms in quite a few tectonic settings. Papers main issue either tactics working in reefs and carbonate systems and case histories (platform and oceanic reef case histories). Case histories diversity from the decrease Cretaceous to fashionable reefs and so much fossil carbonate structures challenge results from fresh ODP legs within the Pacific. The ebook covers a extensive spectrum of disciplines regarding carbonate geology: sedimentology, geochemistry, geophysics, reef ecology and modeling. while you are a member of the foreign organization of Sedimentologists, for buying info, please see:

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J. ), pp. 36 5-378. Ocean Drilling Program, College Station, TX. H. C. (1988) Qua­ ternary isotope stratigraphy of hole 59 3, Challenger Plateau, South Tasman Sea: preliminary observations 38 P. J. Davies & F. M. Peerdeman based on foraminifers and calcareous nannofossils . P. ), pp. 1413-1424. US Government Printing Office, Washington, D C. PALMIERI, v. (1971) Tertiary subsurf ace biostra tigraphy of the Capricorn Basin. Report No. 52, Geological Survey of Queensland. PALMIERI, V. (1974) Correlationand environmental trends of the subsurf ace Tertiary Capricorn Basin.

R. (1993) Isotopic and trace-element indicators of palaeoclimate and sea-level, Site 820. J. ) , pp. 163173. Ocean Drilling Program, College Station, TX. PRELL, WL. (1982) Oxygen and carbon isotope stratigra­ phy of the Quaternary of Hole 502B: evidence for two modes of isotope variability. L. ), pp. 4 5 5-464. US Government Printing Of­ fice, Washington, DC. C. & HILL, D . (1942) Great Barrier Reef Cores, 1 926and 1 937-Descriptions, Analysesand Inter­ pretations. Report No. 25, Great Barrier Reef Commit­ tee.

Central part of the guyot. Grey, skeletal packstones, grainstones and wackestones contain fragments of bivalves (including rudists, which may represent up to 77% of the skeletal components), echinoderms, sparse corallinacean algae and ostracods (Fig. 6A). The larger benthic foraminifers, Sulcoperculina and Asterorbis, are rare, whereas Dicyclina, miliolids, textulariids and rotaliids are common. , 1 995). An abundance of pyrite results from sulphate reduction soon after deposition. At the top of DS-2, subaerial exposure is indicated both by sedimentological criteria such as rhizoliths and alveolar texture (Fig.

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