By J. W. McPherson
"Reliability Physics and Engineering" offers significantly very important info for designing and construction trustworthy budget friendly items. The textbook comprises various instance issues of options. Included at the tip of each bankruptcy are workout problems and solutions. "Reliability Physics and Engineering" is an invaluable source for college students, engineers, and fabrics scientists.
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1. Note that the two models fit the accelerated TF data extremely well at the higher values of stress. At the lower stress levels, the two models generate dramatically different predictions. Note that the exponential model is more conservative (shorter time-to-failure prediction) at lower stress levels. In summary, model selection would seem to be easy — just use the more conservative model, right? Well maybe, maybe not. There is the apparent reliability truism: the customer never gets mad if the device lasts longer than you predict.
10) is referred to as the drift component while the second term is referred to as the diffusion component. 62×10−5 eV/K). 12) where: ν o is the vibration/interaction frequency (∼1013 /sec) and ro is the mean atom spacing (∼2Å) in the material. 11) suggest that the time-to-failure (TF) should depend (exponentially) on temperature T and on the driving force F. The force F acting on an atom is, of course, derived from gradients: gradient in electrical potential, gradient in mechanical stress, gradient in chemical potential, etc.
The physics behind this stress dependent activation energy is discussed in detail in Chapter 8. Problems 1. If a constant flux divergence exists, and is given by: → → J •dA =R= 100, 000 Billion atoms , sec find the time required for 50% of the atoms to flow out of 1 cm3 of aluminum. 5yrs 2. If the reaction-rate constant k shows a monotonic time dependence, then Chapter 2 suggests that one can approximate the time dependence with: k(t) = k0 1 ± a0 tm , where the plus (+) sign is used for an increasing reaction rate constant and a minus (−) sign for a decreasing reaction rate constant.