By Peter Singer
Una mujer yace en coma irreversible en un health facility. Su cerebro est? da?ado, pero su coraz?n sigue latiendo y, adem?s, est? embarazada. Unos pocos meses m?s tarde, l. a. ayuda m?dica permite que d? a luz un saludable beb?. Un ni?o entra en coma tras golpearse en l. a. cabeza mientras juega a f?tbol. Meses despu?s, los padres piden que le retiren el respirador, pero el sanatorium se niega. Un d?a, el padre amenaza al own con una pistola, desenchufa el aparato y permanece junto al chico hasta que muere. Una mujer de setenta a?os sufre un c?ncer incurable, por lo que le pide al m?dico que termine con su vida. Finalmente, este ?ltimo le inyecta cloruro de potasio para que muera. Sin embargo, y aunque es sometido a juicio por asesinato, ni se le encarcela ni se le expulsa del colegio de m?dicos. Estos tres ejemplos certifican que nuestras rules m?s tradicionales acerca de l. a. vida y de los angeles muerte est?n en predicament. En un mundo de respiradores y de embriones conservados durante a?os en nitr?geno l?quido, ya no podemos seguir considerando los angeles vida humana como l. a. base inamovible de nuestros puntos de vista ?ticos. En este controvertido y pol?mico libro, Peter Singer arguye que no seremos capaces de abordar convenientemente temas b?sicos como l. a. muerte, el aborto, l. a. eutanasia o los derechos de los animales hasta que nos olvidemos de l. a. vieja ethical y construyamos una nueva fundamentada en los angeles compasi?n y el sentido com?n.
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The story went viral on the Internet and throughout social media. Almost immediately the “news” that Hooker had discovered an association between an immunization and autism in African American males led to accusations that the CDC knew about this from the beginning and deliberately chose to hide it. So-called anti-vaxxers who had been maintaining all along that vaccinations cause autism and weaken the immune system of children felt they had finally gotten the scientific confirmation for which they had been longing.
In many ways, however, the causality assumption will fail us when we are considering more complicated systems and issues. This is not a “chicken and egg” problem; that is a philosophical and linguistic conundrum that has no scientific significance. We know that chickens hatch from eggs and also lay eggs so that neither the chicken nor egg itself actually came first but rather evolutionarily more primitive life forms preceded both. By causality we are talking here instead about the way in which the scientific method permits us to conclude that something is the cause of something else.
Once formed, initial impressions tend to structure the way that subsequent evidence is interpreted. 18 Does this sound familiar? We can probably all think of examples in our lives in which we saw things the way we believed they should be rather than as they really were. For many years, for example, Jack believed that antidepressant medications were superior to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in the treatment of an anxiety condition called panic disorder. That is what his professors insisted was true and it was part of being an obedient student to believe them.