By David L. Krakow
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He made fun of the “Weight Equal to IQ” crowd and always told Leah she should never become like one of them. ” As predicted, Jay’s eyebrows shot up. Leah avoided his eyes. “I, uh, my mom wants me to do some modeling shoot thing with her. I need to lose some weight first, though. ” Jay pulled the sleek car into a compact parking SHRINK TO FIT 39 spot. “She always wants you to do stuff like that. ” Leah bit her lip. “Well, this one sounds pretty cool. I mean, there’s Kate and Demi and—” Even as Leah said the words, she realized how lame they sounded coming from her.
When you see the other women, you’ll feel sorry,” Victoria warned. Whatever, belly-chain woman. Leah didn’t dare say it out loud. Thirty minutes later, Leah understood what Victoria had meant. Cardio Bar was dainty step aerobics to cheesy Britney Spears music from the nineties. Not a single bead of sweat or misplaced hair in sight. Leah pounded through the set routine for the fourth time and yawned. This was a challenging cardio workout? She got more of a workout warming up before practice. Not to mention the instructor.
Not that she’d minded. During the especially bloody scenes, she’d buried her face in Jay’s shoulder, pretending to be grossed out. It was a typical girl move, but, hey, she wanted to be a typical girl. 44 Dona Sarkar They’d gone into the theater as friends and when they came out, Leah couldn’t stop thinking about Jay’s comforting hand on her knee. “You’re good. ” Jay smirked. ” Leah grinned. ” What Leah loved most about Jay was he seemed to be the only person who really “got” her. He got her humor and her moods.