By Jeroen Bosch
No time to check chess commencing idea? secrets and techniques of establishing Surprises (SOS) comprises hugely playable, strange establishing principles. simply because an SOS is such an early deviation from the common strains in mainstream openings (usually sooner than circulate six), the chance of you with the ability to carry the adaptation really at the board is particularly excessive. when you are uninterested in major strains, while you're trying to find uncomplicated yet powerful guns to perplex your opponent, then you definitely will believe a great deal at domestic on the planet of SOS.
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Rfc8? (3 points). (threatening ... Rh6. (1 point) You have scored ____ out of 8 points. Grange St Chely d’Aubrac, 2010 Italian Game 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Bc5 4 d3 d6 5 Nc3 Nf6 6 Bg5 0-0 7 0-0 Qe7 8 Nd5 Qd8 9 c3 Bb6 10 Bb5 Nb8 11 d4 c6 (*) 12 Nxf6+ gxf6 13 Bh6 cxb5 14 Nh4 Re8 15 Nf5 Bxf5 16 exf5 Kh8 17 Qh5 Qd7 18 dxe5 dxe5 19 g4 Rg8 20 Kh1 Bxf2 21 Rad1 Qc6+ 0-1 For White (1) 9 c3? (1 point) (2) 10 Bb5? doesn’t exploit the potential in White’s position. Instead, 10 Nh4! (3 points) Position after 10 Nh4 (analysis) The queen can go to f3, to intensify the pressure on the pinned knight; or to h5 after an exchange on f6.
Fxg5 16 Qh5 is a tricky try, and White’s best chance. Position after 16 Qh5 (analysis) Now, Black must not fall into the trap 16 ... g6?? because here 17 Bxg6! hxg6 18 Qxg6 is mate. (2 points) White should safeguard the c3-knght in another way, for example with 14 Rc1 or 14 Qg4 g6 15 Rac1. Nf6? (1 point) You have scored ____ out of 13 points. Hotar Brno 2009 Vienna Game 1 e4 e5 2 Nc3 Nf6 3 f4 exf4 4 e5 Qe7 5 Qe2 Ng8 6 Nf3 Nc6 7 d4 d6 8 Bxf4 dxe5 9 dxe5 Qb4 10 Bc1 Bg4 11 e6 Bxe6 12 Ng5 Nd4 13 Qe4 0-0-0 (*) 14 Nxe6 Nf6 15 Qd3 Nxe6 16 Qc4 Nd4 17 Qd3 Bc5 18 a3 Rhe8+ 19 Be2 Qb6 0-1 For White (1) 8 Bxf4?
Rad8? (1 point) b) If White’s rook moves along the fourth rank, Black can win material by skewering the two bishops. (1 point) You have scored ____ out of 19 points. Qd7 14 Rac1 This rook move loses the h3-pawn which could have been protected by, for example, 14 Kg2 or 14 Bg2 (1 point). In view of this, 14 Rac1 isn’t necessarily a tactical mistake. (2) 20 Qxa7? This pawn capture deflects the white queen, and as a direct consequence Black gains an opportunity to unleash a strong kingside attack, as outlined below.