By Matthew Sadler
The Semi-Slav defence has been considered one of Black's optimum defences to the queen's pawn because the 1920's. Now, it really is stylish either at grandmaster point and with membership and match avid gamers. right here, Grandmaster Matthew Sadler explains the tactic and strategies of this dynamic establishing. by utilizing version video games for each side, the writer presents a radical grounding within the key principles.
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8 axb5 8 e5 is considered in the next game. 8 . . cxb5 9 ttJxb5 �xe4 The alternative 9 . . Cramling-Galliamova, Tilburg Women's Candidates 1994, and now 10 . . c6 1 1 'iWxc4 lbxe4 is the critcial continuation. The immedi ate 9 . . b4+ 10 lbc3 will most likely transpose to the game after 10 . . xc4. tg5 dxc4 6 e4 b5 7 a4 Instead of the immediate 7 e5 White White has re-established material equality at the cost of the dismantling of his pawn centre. The resulting iso lated queen's pawn (IQP) structure 57 Th e S e m i - Sla v with Black's b-pawn exchanged for White's a-pawn favours Black in the long run for two reasons: he has gained the valuable b4-square for his knight (since White cannot play a2a3); and has additional counterplay along the b-file.
H6 and Games 17 and 1 8 with 13 . . ttJb6 and 13 . . ttJe5 respectively. Game 11 Van Wely-Dreev Bern Open 1993 1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6 3 liJc3 liJf6 4 liJf3 e6 5 jLg5 dxc4 6 e4 b5 7 e5 h6 8 �h4 g5 9 liJxg5 hxg5 1 0 �xg5 liJbd7 1 1 exf6 �b7 1 2 g3 c5 1 3 d5 liJxf6 13 . ttJxf6 re-establishes material equality by capturing White's extra pawn on f6, and coordinates substan tial pressure against White's d-pawn. The move's boldness lies in the fact that it reactivates the pin on the f6knight, thereby keeping the black queen tied to the knight's protection and thus preventing Black from mov ing the queen to prepare queenside castling.
18 b3 was a tiny bit better for White in Makarov-Bagirov, Pod olsk 1992. 1 1 . . te3 0-0 The pawn grab is a little dangerous: 12 . . ixc3 13 bxc3 lDxe4 14 'iWg4 lDg5 15 h4 or 15 l:iadl is good for White according to Tisdall. d4 l:tfd8 1 7 tDe3 a6? Tisdall criticises this move, which weakens the queenside dark squares. 17 ... ic6 immediately would have been better. ixd8 %:txd8 27 l:tc 1 %:td3 28 �c4 l:txf3 29 l:bf3 tDe2+ 30 'it>f2 tDxc 1 3 1 �xc 1 Y2 - YZ Game 40 Yermolinsky-Atal i k Hastings In this game Tisdall studiously avoids a reptition of his 10 .