By Florin Stoican
Fault-tolerant regulate thought is a well-studied subject however the use of the units in detection, isolation and/or reconfiguration is very tangential.
The authors of this e-book suggest a scientific research of the set-theoretic components and devise methods which make the most complex components in the box. the most suggestion is to translate fault detection and isolation stipulations into these stipulations related to units. additionally, those are to be computed successfully utilizing confident invariance and reachability notions. Constraints imposed by way of unique fault keep watch over are used to outline possible references (which impose chronic excitation and, therefore, non-convex possible sets). specific realization is given to the reciprocal affects among fault detection and isolation at the one hand, and regulate reconfiguration at the other.
1. cutting-edge in Fault-tolerant Control
2. Fault Detection and Isolation in Multisensor Systems
3. Residual new release and Reference Governor Design
4. Reconfiguration of the regulate Mechanism for Fault-tolerant Control
5. comparable difficulties and Applications
About the Authors
Florin Stoican got a B.E. measure from the “Politehnica” college of Bucharest, Romania, in 2008 and his PhD from SUPELEC, France in 2011. He held an ERCIM Postdoctoral Fellowship with NTNU Trondheim, Norway, in 2012, and is presently Assistant Professor at “Politehnica” collage of Bucharest. His major curiosity is the fault tolerant keep watch over of dynamical structures during the prism of set theoretic parts. His present paintings consists of additional leads to set conception and restricted optimization problems.
Sorin Olaru obtained an M.S. measure from the “Politehnica” collage of Bucharest, Romania, and either his PhD and Habilitation from college Paris XI, France, being presented the eu fee Archimedes Prize in 2002. on the grounds that 2001 he has held various positions at INRIA and SUPELEC in France and traveling appointments on the college of Newcastle, Australia and NTNU Trondheim, Norway. he's at the moment Professor at SUPELEC, a member of the INRIA Disco staff and senior member of IEEE. His study pursuits comprise optimization-based regulate layout and the set-theoretic characterization of limited dynamical systems.
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However, once the functioning conditions return to their normal range, the sensor, after a transitory period, will be once again ready for use in the control scheme. 1. 3]; 2) inclusion SiR ⊆ S˜i , which validates the quality of the state estimation. 22] holds), while the second condition requires a set membership testing for a signal which is not directly measurable, namely, the estimation error x ˜i . 5(a) and (b)): Let A and B be two sets, then: 1) if α ∈ A, a necessary condition for α ∈ B is A ∩ B = ∅; 2) if α ∈ A, a sufficient condition for α ∈ B is A ⊆ B.
Starting from this basis, we are able to present contributions with respect to the set description, the FDI mechanism and the control design. Such a multisensor FTC scheme can be superposed over a multitude of industrial applications. 1). 1. Multisensor control scheme In [MAR 04], an inter-distance reference model that can be used in cruise control and stop-and-go scenarios was introduced. The goal was to maintain a minimal distance between two succeeding vehicles even in the presence of faults.
G. 3 for details). 3 The sets IH , IF , IR and their counterparts IH , IF , IR have to be understood (as their definition indicates) as time-varying quantities, namely IH (k), IF (k), IR (k), etc. For compactness of the notation, the explicit dependence on “k” is dropped henceforth. 3]. Additionally, the set SiR reduces to a single value, SiR = {˜ xi }, because the estimation error can be calculated at each sampling time using the value of the current state. 21]. 24] we conclude that this relation will be verified at all instants of time.