By Zbigniew Les, Magdalena Les
This is the 3rd ebook proposing chosen result of examine at the additional improvement of the form realizing process (SUS) performed by means of authors within the newly based Queen Jadwiga examine Institute of knowing. during this publication the hot time period computing device realizing is brought bearing on a brand new region of analysis aiming to enquire the potential for construction machines having the ability to comprehend. it truly is offered that SUS must some degree mimic human realizing and therefore machines are evaluated in response to the foundations utilized for the evaluate of human knowing. The e-book exhibits find out how to formulate difficulties and the way it may be proven if the desktop is ready to remedy those problems.
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Existing knowledge based systems apply the different methods of knowledge representation. A knowledge representation is some chosen formalism for “things” we want to represent. There are two main important dimensions along which they can be characterized. At one extreme are purely syntactic systems, in which no concern is given to meaning of the knowledge. Such systems have simple, uniform rules for manipulating the representation. At the other extreme are purely semantic systems, in which there is no unified form.
The possibility of building of intelligent machines (machine that will be able to understand) became reality in the time when the first computer was built and the performance of designed intelligent system is often compared to the performance of the human being. Understanding is connected with performing special tasks that involve finding the solution in the process called the problem solving. Existing intelligent systems that are used for solving complex specific problems such as image understanding, natural language understanding or expert systems can be regarded as the simplest forms of understanding systems [2, 5].
Therefore it seems to be impossible to guarantee a one-to-one mapping of problems and a model using a mathematical or logical language. g. [65, 98, 102]). g. [24, 63, 91]) and the programming languages such as PROLOG apply the goal-directed reasoning (backward) in order to manipulate symbols and find the solution. In comparison to existing systems, machine understanding is based on many different forms of knowledge representation including the visual knowledge representation that was absent in the existing systems.