By Clark K.L., McCabe F.G., Ennais J.R.
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Holloway's pills or Mr. Hoff's malt extract. Nothing could be further from my mind than to seek to explain a man such as Lassalle and the real tendency of his agitation to a grotesque Mazzini-Scapin c with nothing behind him but his own shadow. d Karl Marx London, November 28, 1864 1, Modena Villas, Maitland Park First published in the Nordstern, No. 287, December 10, 1864 Published in English for the first time Printed according to the copy in Mrs. Marx's hand, corrected by the author and collated with the newspaper a b c d Published in the Neue Frankfurter Zeitung, No.
Severe though the above judgment may sound I must even now endorse every word of it. At the same time, however, one has to bear in mind that when I declared his book to be the code of socialism of the petit bourgeois and proved this theoretically, Proudhon was still being decried as an ultra-arch-revolutionary both by political economists and by socialists. That is why later on I never joined in the outcry about his "treachery" to the revolution. It was not his fault that, originally misunderstood by others as well as by himself, he failed to fulfil unjustified hopes.
Then the mentality of the petty bourgeois who for instance makes an indecently brutal attack, which is neither shrewd nor profound nor even correct, on a man like Cabet—worthy of respect for his practical attitude towards the French proletariat, 22 and on the other hand pays compliments to a man like Dunoyer (a "State Councillor", it is true) although the whole significance of this Dunoyer lay in the comic zeal with which, throughout three fat, unbearably boring volumes, 3 he preached a rigorism characterised by Helvétius as follows: "On veut que les malheureux soient parfaits" (It is demanded that the unfortunate should be perfect).