A compilation of all pertinent info at the state of the art in soil-gas sensing because it pertains to the detection of subsurface natural contaminants are coated during this ebook. Soil natural vapor tracking has been proven to be a value potent technique of delineating the dimensions and circulation of natural contaminants within the subsurface.
entrance subject
record of Figures
record of Tables
desk of Contents
1. creation
2. web site particular Parameter issues
three. shipping and Retention of Dissolved and Immiscible natural chemical substances in Soil and Ground-Water
four. dimension Methodologies
five. Analytical Methodologies
6. Statistical remedy of Soil natural Vapor Measurements
7. Case reviews
eight. precis and Conclusions
topic Index
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152 0. l*. 4 0. 88 chlorobsnzens * h) aExtrqmlsted from liquid state. k d c u l a t e d f r a the extrapolated vapor pressure with a fugacity ratio correction. CExtrapolated f r a s o l i d vapor preeeum. t. 39~10~ 7. 80 fpotw 1 601 r- qg a s 44 IO n dn w a t e r i n t h e p o r o u s medium. Compounds w i t h h i g h water s o l u b i l i t y (from s u r f a c e s p i l l s ) would o f c o u r s e h a v e s h o r t e r downwar'd t r a v e l t i m e s a s r e f l e c t e d by c l a s s i c a l breakthrough c u r v e a n a l y s i s .
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CExtrepolatsd from a o l i d vapor preasure. Oats For halogenated alkanes and elkecres a t 25OC urleas otbnieb Stated. 079 (1 . 7 ! c 1 I . a Y n Y n iaia ;€! G c h u In r( i N b 9 ? -I 0 b d € =t? 647 (a@) W OI 1,1,2,2,2Patachloroetherm m2. I 4 H 2 n 37 n 4 N d 2I I 0 bl 0 fl tftf c R i H - a d ch * I- H I ca bl 4 c g! A" W n 4 i d m * 4 n I r( *n 4 n . El r( N dI n In I n Ji . l- 2 38 'D. a F; n lr( 'D. 03 -1bl. te. pohted f n r s o l i d vqmr proaouce. #ae. 132 8 fujacity ratio aorrectian. 356 0.