By Edited by J.-L. Bobet B. Chevalier D. Fruchart
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The Cr-Cr distances do not have a general tendency; Cr(1)-Cr(2) and Cr(3)-Cr(3) distances increase with increasing A-cation radius as well as b-axis, while Cr(2)-Cr(2) and Cr(2)-Cr(3) or Cr(1)-Cr(3) distances decrease with increasing A-cation radius. The Cr-Cr distances of tellurides are rather long compared with those of sulfides and selenides [1]. From such long Cr-Cr distances, dominant ferromagnetic interactions are expected. Fig. 2. Lattice constants of ACr5Te8 (A = K, Rb, Cs) at room temperature as a function of A-cation radius: (a) a-axis and b-axis, (b) c-axis and β-angle, and (c) Cr-Cr distances.
The Weiss temperature, estimated at Θ = −40 K, indicates strong antiferromagnetic interactions among Ni atoms. It is stronger than that in another Ni sulfate NiSO4·H2O whose Weiss temperature is −13 K [10]. The stronger interactions probably arise from the chain structure composed of face-shared octahedra. Figure 3(b) shows temperature dependence of the zero-field-cooled (ZFC) and the field-cooled (FC) magnetization under a low (1 mT) magnetic field. Generation of a spontaneous magnetization is observed below TN.
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