By Hans A. And Glenn Brier Panofsky
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67449 a. The probable error is not 'used much inlmodern statistical practice. ·· (Note 'that 'the'nutnerical values~o~curring in items 2 and 3 are. both acciclentally·near %). 4. 95% of the area under the curve is ,enclosed' by' approximatelyX + 2a and X - 2a, or between X + 3 PE and X - 3 PE. : In other words the probability that T iseither. 2 or less than -2 is 5%. · · · Table' 7 below gives values of the' so-called' error 'function, f • clefined}~y: ~;t' . •,(··-,t,,. i,· Erf(r) = - = . v/211"' ' e 0 !
I . J lil general, we are interested in the probability that ao observation is,Iocated between X and dX .. e variabl~s again and obtain: ; , ; : 1 ·• ;, ·, , ::. p. -·;~.. : • 1 pdX - --= e av211" •:· ... :Ji •1 '• ·, '. ::O:r ·'; . ' Here p':is the probability density, ·that is, the probability per unit X-interval. ·on the inean nor the standard deviation of the.. particular population, it can be tabulated and used for all cases where the use of the normal distribution is appropriate. Quite in general/r is a convenient variable to use; it measures the number of standard deviations by which an observation at point X exceeds the mean.
5. Transformations. It can be shown that any function of a variate or random variable is again a variate. From this it follows that any frequency distribution can be transformed: into req given· form. by a suitable t r a n s f o r m a t i o n o r f u n c t i o n a l r e l a t ship. normal distribution. theniibe ... transformed to a normal distribution and analysis: continued on · · the basis:of known theory. distrib,tition. example would be the transformation of a distributiot;~. of temperature to a distribution of saturated vapot' ...