Download SQL Plus. User's Guide and Reference by Frank Rovitto PDF

By Frank Rovitto

SQL Plus User's consultant and Reference is meant for company and technical finish clients and procedure directors who practice the subsequent tasks:■ input, edit, shop, retrieve, and run SQL instructions and PL/SQL blocks■ layout, practice calculations on. shop, print and create internet output of question results■ record column definitions for any table■ ship messages to and settle for responses from an finish user■ practice database administrationTo use this rfile, you wish a uncomplicated knowing of the SQL database language. in case you don't have any familiarity with this database instrument, you'll want to check with the OracIe 9i SQL Reference. if you happen to plan to exploit the PL/SQL database language along side SQL Plus, consult with the PL/SQL person s consultant and Reference for info on utilizing PL/SQL.

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SQL*Plus treats PL/SQL subprograms in the same manner as SQL commands, except that a semicolon (;) or a blank line does not terminate and execute a block. ) by itself on a new line. SQL*Plus stores the subprograms you enter at the SQL*Plus command prompt in the SQL buffer. Execute the current subprogram by issuing a RUN or slash (/) command. Likewise, to execute a SQL CREATE command that creates a stored procedure, you must also enter RUN or slash (/). A semicolon (;) will not execute these SQL commands as it does other SQL commands.

Note: Some operating systems expect you to enter commands in lowercase letters. If your system expects lowercase, enter the SQLPLUS command in lowercase. 6 - on Mon Oct 5 09:39:26 1999 (c) Copyright 1999 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Enter user-name: 4. Enter your username and press [Return]. SQL*Plus displays the prompt "Enter password:". 5. Enter your password and press [Return] again. For your protection, your password does not appear on the screen. Learning SQL*Plus Basics 2-3 Getting Started The process of entering your username and password is called logging in.

ENAME HEADING SALESMAN SAL HEADING SALARY FORMAT $99,999 COMM HEADING COMMISSION FORMAT $99,990 Includes only salesmen. */, on separate lines in your command file, on the same line as a SQL command, or on a line in a PL/SQL block. The comments can span multiple lines, but cannot be nested within one another: /* Commissions report to be run monthly. */ COLUMN ENAME HEADING SALESMAN COLUMN SAL HEADING SALARY FORMAT $99,999 COLUMN COMM HEADING COMMISSION FORMAT $99,990 3-12 SQL*Plus User’s Guide and Reference Saving Commands for Later Use SELECT EMPNO, ENAME, SAL, COMM FROM EMP WHERE JOB = ’SALESMAN’ /* Includes only salesmen.

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