By Chris Ward
During this easy-to-read consultant, Grandmaster and famous endgames professional Chris Ward offers with the basics of rook endgames. He progressively palms readers with the imperative wisdom and self assurance had to movement onto just a little trickier positions. utilizing examples from useful play, Ward highlights the right kind plans in addition to the common error made by means of either attacker and defender.
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Example text
Hence the rook stays on the back rank, where of course it fulfils the important duty of preventing mate. Ra3 2 Rb1 Ra2 3 Rb3+ 36 Rook and Pawn vs Rook In fact Black isn't threatening anything anyhow, so if he wants White could also sit tight, for example 3 Rc1 Rh2+ 4 Kg1 Rg2+ 5 Kh1 and Black can do nothing to make progress. Kf5 The black king has nowhere to hide. Alas, that enables White to adhere to the golden rule (not that this is a remotely critical situation). 7 Rh4 Yes, it's 'rook behind passed pawn' time and now this one is doomed.
Lucena and building bridges! Kd7 2 Re4! ). , but at least with the text Black sets a trap. Rf2+ 6 Kg5 Rg2+ 7 Rg4 – on the fourth rank the rook is available to block checks. 6 Re6+! 7 Re6+ Kd7), the white king finds itself overworked. ). is the same. Rg1 8 Rg5 Rf1+ 9 Ke5 and White wins – promotion is imminent. Example 34 Diagram 27 (W) Diagram 28 (B) One move wins Slowly but surely (Diagram 27) 1 Rd1! A powerful move, cutting off the black king. Now Black can do nothing to prevent White reaching a similar position to the one studied in Example 32.
Fortunately for White, a neat trick ensures victory. Kc5 8 Rc6+! Rxa7. Kb6 12 a8Q. 9 Ra6 Rh8+ 10 Kc7 Rh7+ 11 Kb6 Rh6+ 12 Kb5 and Black can do nothing to prevent White from queening. ' It's true that this second section of the chapter is mainly focusing on situations in which the attacking king is up with the pawn, but it is worth an example to respond to this query. It's all about the relative position of the monarchs. However... TIP: Don't swap off rooks unless you are certain about the outcome of the resulting king and pawn ending.