By Frances Acomb
This monograph tells of the institution and improvement of a statistical regulate method within the Army's air arm. The association and serve as of the Statistical keep watch over department, difficulties of recruiting and coaching, and strategies of operating—all are defined intimately.
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How did this development affect re lat ions between the Stat1stical Control Division and the SCU's? Apparently it had no appreciable effect on the detail of data reported. In the case of subject-matter categories, on the other hand, decentralization apparently created a tendency toward the antonomy of the major field office. This was true at least in the case of the SCO of the Air Technical Service Command CATSC). While still known as the 15th SCU at Headquarters, Air Service Command, this agency acquired the basic supplyreporting function of the Air Service Command, an activity with which the Statistical Control Division itself had little to do beyond supporting the SCU's assumption of 1t, Shortly afterwards, the 15th SCU developed the overseas stock halance and parts consumption reporting system, which was to he handled by new overseas SCU's activated in the Air Force Service Commands.
As the report noted, Statistical Control had already begun to put some IBM equipn:ent into the SCU's, It was proposed that the two types of units be consolidated under the jurisdiction of the AAF, and that Statistical Control he made responsible for furnishing The AdJutant General with the personnel data now obtained through the MRU's attached to air force commands. 91 The Adjutant General's Office opposed the recommendation strenuously, but in vain. While the consolidation covement doubtless succeeded mainly from the weight of the Inspector General's opinion, 38 STATISTICAT~ CONTROL IN TRE ARMY AIR FORCES Lt.
A-3 processing of the majority of the training reports required by Headquarters Flying Training Command and sub- or mitted by the stations in the Western Flying Training Command. unction of the 15th SCU, which had been established in the headquarters of the command a year earlier. onsibility for a number of the reports of the former MC. Even yet, however, not all of the statistical reports prepared in the ATSC relative to its maJ or functional activities came within the province of the SCO, The scope of the functions, as well as the authority, of the statistical control offices was broadened considerably in 1944 by the institution of a uniform reports control system throughout the commands and air forces.