By Adrian-Horia Dediu, Carlos Martín-Vide, Klára Vicsi
This e-book constitutes the refereed complaints of the 3rd overseas convention on Statistical Language and Speech Processing, SLSP 2015, held in Budapest, Hungary, in November 2015.
The 26 complete papers awarded including invited talks have been conscientiously reviewed and chosen from seventy one submissions. The papers conceal subject matters resembling: anaphora and coreference solution; authorship id, plagiarism and unsolicited mail filtering; computer-aided translation; corpora and language assets; info mining and semantic internet; info extraction; details retrieval; wisdom illustration and ontologies; lexicons and dictionaries; desktop translation; multimodal applied sciences; usual language figuring out; neural illustration of speech and language; opinion mining and sentiment research; parsing; part-of-speech tagging; question-answering platforms; semantic position labelling; speaker identity and verification; speech and language new release; speech popularity; speech synthesis; speech transcription; spelling correction; spoken discussion structures; time period extraction; textual content categorisation; textual content summarisation; and person modeling.
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