By H. Gebrande (auth.), G. Angenheister (eds.)
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For P-waves alone much more measurements are available. If possible, information on mean atomic weight R and porosity d, is also given. *) Es wurden bevorzugt solche Proben ausgewlhlt, fir die Messungen in drei zueinander senkrechten Richtungen vorliegen und die petrographisch gut charakterisiert sind. 15 enthalten. Nur solche Proben wurden aufgenommen, ftir die sowohl P- wie such S-Geschwindigkeiten gemessen wurden. Fiir P-Wellen alleine liegen weit mehr Messungen vor. T. leicht vereinfacht - in die Tabellen iibernommen; bzgl.
2 wurde keine nachtrggliche Korrektur auf LIngenlnderungen durchgefiihrt. Gebrande Ref. p. 1 Elasticity of rocks and minerals A typical example of the pressure dependence of seismic wave velocities (at zero pore pressure or P,,,, <&,,) is shown in Fig. 24. 1.. 2GPa a relatively strong velocity increase is observed in most rocks. It is explained by a decrease of porosity with increasing pressure [Bi60 and many others]. At higher pressures the velocity increase declines and the velocities follow a flattened, approximately linear trend.
If the pore pressure equals the confining pressure, pores are kept open and seismic velocities increase much less with confining pressure than at zero pore pressure (compare Fig. 23). If building up of pore pressureis to be avoided in water-saturated jacketed samples, a mesh screen must be placed between sample and jacket to allow the drainage of pore fluid with increasing compression ofthe sample[Ch75a, Ch78]. Only suchwater-saturated samples (satw and satb, respectively) are included in Tables 11..