The Teradata RDBBS for UNIX SQL Reference describes the Teradata based question Language (SQL) and the way to take advantage of SQL to do any of the next things:* control info* outline or restructure the database* Assign or revoke entry to the data.This preface describes the association of the Teradata RDBMS for UNIX SQL Reference and identifies info you'll want to be aware of earlier than utilizing it. This guide might be utilized in conjunction with the Teradata RDBMS for UNIX Database layout and management guide.
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Teradata RDBMS for UNIX SQL Reference 2-3 Data Handling Fundamentals Basic Data Manipulation Basic Data Manipulation Teradata SQL Statement Syntax 2 A typical SQL statement consists of a statement keyword, one or more column names, a database name, a table name, and one or more optional clauses introduced by keywords. employee WHERE deptno IN(100, 500) ORDER BY deptno, name ; the statement keyword is “SELECT”. The select list for this statement is made up of the names: ● ● ● Deptno, name, and salary (the column names) Personnel (the database name) Employee (the table name) The optional clause WHERE deptno IN(100, 500) is introduced by the keyword WHERE.
Searching for Nulls 2 The IS NULL operator tests row data for the presence of nulls. For example, to search for the names of all employees who have a null in the deptno column, you could enter the statement: SELECT name FROM employee WHERE deptno IS NULL ; This query produces the names of all employees with a null in the deptno field. Because all employees contained in the employee table have been assigned to a department, no rows are returned. Searching for Non Nulls 2 To exclude nulls from the results of a query, use the IS NOT NULL operator.
WHEN the expression is . . THEN the result is . . 5 + NULL Null LOG(NULL) Null NULLIFZERO(NULL) Null ZEROIFNULL(NULL)) 0 COALESCE(NULL, 6) 6 If either operand of a comparison operator is null, the result is UNKNOWN. WHEN the expression is . . THEN the result is . . 5 = NULL Unknown 5 <> NULL Unknown NULL = NULL Unknown NULL <> NULL Unknown Note that if the argument of the NOT operator is unknown, the result is unknown. This translates to false as a final boolean result. NULLIF COALESCE Null is the Lowest Value 2 2 2 Considered a CASE abbreviation expression.