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By Yeffim Geller

Yefim Geller has been one of many world's optimum grandmasters over the last 4 a long time, in which time he has demonstrated a name as being the prime Russian authority on starting idea. during this annotated number of his personal video games, Geller exhibits the sensible merits of a legitimate knowing of establishing procedure.

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The immediate 13 . . Rg8 was better, not fearing 14 e5 (14 . . ), hindering the harmonious deployment of the white pieces, and keeping the advance . . b4 in reserve. But now the white knight switches from c3 to g3, where it is ready to take part in the attack on the K-side. 14 Ne2 15 Ng3 16 Rhe1 Rg8 QcS Ra7 22 23 Bc4 • Black senses that the e4-e5 breakthrough is about to follow, and takes measures to defend his bishop at d7. He would have liked to castle, but, alas, the weakening . . b4 has already been played.

D5. It was better, as later played by Fischer, to castle on the 1 1th move followed by . . Rfc8 and . . b5, which is not now possible due to the weakness of the a-pawn. However, it soon transpires that Najdorf disregards this factor. 14 BX c4 15 Ra4 1 5 . . Qc6 would not have made any essential difference. 16 h3 17 Rf2 18 a x b6 Najdorf was pinning considerable hopes on his 17th move. Indeed, his position would appear highly promising in the event of White accepting the temporary pawn sacrifice.

28 Ng4 23 Nd5 More forceful than the alternative possibil­ ity of 28 Qf5, with the threats of 29 h4 and 29 Q x n. Even stronger was 23 Kh l and 24 h4, since in the meantime Black could not have improved his position. 23 • • • 24 e X d5 28 . . Bx d5 N x d3 . • • • 26 Khl The most exact. In the variation 26 . . Q X d5 27 N X g7 Black will take on d4 without check - 27 . . Q X d4 28 N x eS R x e s 29 R x n + Kh8 30 R Xf8 + ! • • • . 29 b4! Qb7 Black runs into a curious mate after 25 Ne5 26 N x h6 g6 (26 .

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