By Rudolf Geiger
Anyone who in simple terms turns the pages of this new version will locate that forty eight percentage of the fig ures are wide-spread to him from the 3rd variation. yet whoever reads it's going to detect that no 3 consecutive pages of textual content were transferred unaltered. the big improvement that has taken position considering that 1950, fairly the staggering extension within the functional applica tions of micrometeorology, have made it essential to rewrite the publication. In generating this paintings, I had in brain goals that have been associated extra heavily to one another than I had firstly dared to wish. the hot version was once to be a transparent and brilliant textbook should you have been simply taking over the examine of microclimatology, and even as a ref erence paintings for these already conversant in the topic. For the 1st activity, I had in brain the scholars who may cringe with horror on the insurmountable barrier of an it appears unlim ited and ever-increasing pile of literature and therefore have been wanting counsel. moreover, i used to be taking into consideration colleagues operating in similar sciences, who've no time to review our liter ature.
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D. Jackson [227], w. C. Swinbank [241]), or both shelter-height humidity and air temperature (w. Brutsaert [210], S. B. Idso [226]). Comparisons of observed versus estimated clear-sky counterradiation have demonstrated model errors within 5% of measured values (A. 1. Arnfield [203], J. L. Hatfield, et a1. [223], M. Sugita and W. Brutsaert [240]). These methods of determining counterradiation integrate the contributions of individual areas of the sky vault in the hemisphere 24 I Earth's surface energy budget above the horizontal position in question.
7 Transport of Energy in the Atmosphere. Eddy Diffusion Molecular conduction of energy also takes place in the air. Since air possesses the ability to transport heat (note the high value of the thermal diffusivity of still air in Table 6-2), it follows that the air temperature changes more quickly than the ground temperature. But there are other completely different factors at work as well. The height to which the daily fluctuation of temperature would reach in the air through conduction is found from the equation given in Section 6 to be about 3 m.
C: . l... "el/1 .. -.... ~ Figure 6-1. Effect of cold rain on soil temperatures. (After F. 0001 cal cm- 2 min -1, which can be neglected. This geothermal energy source becomes significant only in volcanic regions, near hot springs, or where there are underground fires. The way in which air moves into and out of the ground can be taken into account along with radiation influences. M. Diem [603] has shown experimentally that, with a sandy soil, a volume of air was "breathed" through the surface of the ground in 1 day equal to a column 22 m high over the area concerned.