By R. B. Smith (auth.)
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Radio-labelled compound (depending upon the compound's characteristics labelled with carbon 14 or other radioactive isotope) both orally and intravenously. These studies are normally performed in dogs, rats and monkeys and the end result of these investigations will be to confirm what are the likely peak plasma levels following (initially) single doses of varying amounts. Distribution Once absorbed within the body, the distribution of the compound is clearly important. Whether the compound passes the blood-brain barrier or, indeed, whether there is untoward accumulation in one or more tissues or body sites, could well be significant in later development.
Lead will depend upon the mixture of skills available to a pharmaceutical company, the philosophy of its scientists, its cash resources and the imagination and courage of its leadership. BIOLOGICAL In practice , biological characterisation, safety evaluation and proof of efficacy are closely intertwined and therefore both this and following sections should be read with this constantly in mind. But, because so much work takes place coincidentally it is extremely difficult , and perhaps in the long run not very Basic Scientific Characterisation 33 helpful, to break it down artificially.