By Alec M. Gallup, Frank Newport
The Gallup ballot is the main accomplished unmarried resource of yank public opinion. it's the merely paintings that captures the always moving evaluations and perceptions of usa citizens. The Cumulative Index permits researchers quick access to the result of polls carried out among 1998 and 2007.
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And, 2000:281–82, 424–25, 2004:184–85, 2005:263–64, 341–44, 346, 2006:215, 276, 297 church and, 2004:303–4, 512, 2005:233 clothing and, 2005:274 college acceptance and, 2003:213 college and, 2006:484 community and, 2004:18–19, 282 cost of living and, 2006:484 crime and, 2006:279, 2007:304, 316 death penalty and, 2004:453–54 debt and, 2006:484 defense and, 2000:281 Democratic Party and, 2000:282, 2004:318, 368, 2007:277–78, 281 demographics of, 2001:135 discrimination and, 2000:282, 2001:147, 2003:296–97, 2004:290–91 economy and, 2000:280, 2004:276–78, 2007:304, 316 education and, 2000:281, 2004:18–19, 199–201, 276–77, 317–18, 377, 455–56, 2006:279–80, 290 election of 2000 and, 2000:424–26 election of 2004 and, 2004:333 election of 2006 and, 2006:253, 297–98, 378 employment and, 2004:18–19, 276–77, 290, 350–51, 2005:286–87, 314, 2006:86–87, 279–81, 2007:287, 293–94, 304 energy and, 2005:286, 2006:484 entertainment and, 2004:290–91 experiences of, 2003:221 families and, 2004:18–19 finances and, 2004:18–19, 291–92, 2005:93–94, 274 food and, 2005:274, 2007:304 friendship and, 2004:282 gasoline and, 2005:286, 2006:279, 484 Gore, Al, and, 2006:321 government and, 2004:278, 2005:341–44, 394, 2006:279, 2007:179–80, 316 gun control and, 2000:281 happiness of, 2007:554 health and, 2004:18–19, 291 healthcare and, 2000:281, 2004:290–91, 304–5, 2005:136, 2006:279, 484, 2007:307–8, 316 PUBLIC OPINION, 1998-2007 17 blacks (continued) health insurance and, 2005:14 homelessness and, 2005:286, 2007:316 housing and, 2004:18–19, 277, 2006:211, 484, 2007:287 hunger and, 2005:286, 2007:316 Hurricane Katrina and, 2005:341–44, 395–96, 406–7 image by, 2007:281–83, 423–24, 462–63, 465 income and, 2004:291, 2006:280 independents and, 2004:368, 2007:281 inflation and, 2006:484 Iraq war and, 2004:368–69, 2006:108, 279, 2007:83, 316 Jackson, Michael, and, 2005:91–92, 157–58 Kerry, John, and, 2004:333 law enforcement and, 2004:288–90, 2005:420 liberals and, 2004:103 marriage and, 2004:86–87, 223–24 Medicaid and, 2005:14 Medicare and, 2000:280, 2005:14 Middle East and, 2006:122–24 money and, 2006:484 morality and, 2005:136, 2007:239, 304, 316 mortality of, 2004:291 most important issues for, 2006:279, 281, 2007:316 most important national leader in black community today [list], 2003:251–52, 297 national security and, 2007:316 oil and, 2005:286, 2006:484 opportunities and, 2001:147, 152, 2004:18–19, 276–78, 317–18, 377, 2005:287, 314 party identification and, 2006:276, 2007:281 18 Persian Gulf War and, 2004:369 pets and, 2007:518 political affiliation and, 2005:183–84, 264–65, 342, 2006:253, 276, 297–98, 355, 378, 2007:281 position of, 2004:66–67, 130, 2005:20, 22, 39 poverty and, 2004:291–92, 2005:286, 394, 2007:316 predictions for, 1998:222 Protestantism and, 2007:83 race relations and, 2000:281, 2004:66–67, 274–76, 292–94, 350–51 racial profiling and, 2004:288–90 religion and, 2004:120, 512, 2005:133, 233, 447, 2006:108, 355, 494 Republican Party and, 2000:280, 282, 2004:318, 368, 2007:281 retirement and, 2006:484 safety and, 2004:18–19 satisfaction of, 2001:29, 146–47, 158, 2003:360, 2004:18–19, 66–67, 2005:20, 22, 39, 2007:289–90, 292–94, 554 school and, 2004:455–56, 2005:351 Simpson, O.
Troops in, 1998:157 See also Kosovo situation bosses, 2002:138–39 should have access to genetic information, 2001:162 Boston, 2000:298–99, 2001:235, 2004:448–49 Boston Globe heard or read about columnist Patricia Smith making up quotes in, 1998:194 Boston Red Sox, 2001:81 Boston University, 2003:299 bounce (in polls) after conventions, 2004:278–80, 311–14, 320–24, 327–28, 356–58, 378–79, 396–97, 444 after elections, 2004:450–52, 504 Bourque, Ray, 2001:142 Bowl Championship Series, 2004:487–89 bowling, 2004:44 as favorite sport to watch, 1998:237, 2000:136 hobby you are particularly interested in, 2002:6 boxing, 2004:44, 489, 2007:24 as favorite sport to watch, 1998:237, 2000:136 Boyd, Kenneth Lee, 2005:456 Boy Scouts of America allow openly gay adults to serve as leaders, 2000:199 Bradley, Bill, 2004:5, 41 chances of, 1999:101, 2000:27, 36, 49 PUBLIC OPINION, 1998-2007 19 Bradley, Bill (continued) characteristics of, 1999:102, 113, 2000:27, 37, 49, 57 Gallup analysis of his candidacy, 1999:86 likely to support, 1998:66, 227–28, 1999:72, 84, 101, 118–20, 2000:9–10, 26, 29, 33, 49, 53–54, 68, 2001:192, 2002:90 opinion of, 1998:65, 1999:46, 101, 2000:44 qualifications of, 1999:101–2, 2000:27, 36, 49, 57 and town meeting, 1999:101 Bradley, Omar, 2000:410 Brady Bill, 2004:472 Brady Campaign, 2004:472 Brahimi, Lakhdar, 2004:174, 178 Braun, Carol Moseley, 2003:252, 2004:5, 11 likely to support, 2003:135, 190, 215–16, 277, 323, 335, 374–75, 382, 390, 417, 432–33, 446–47 opinion of, 2003:306 as second choice for nomination, 2003:335 Brazil, 1998:79, 180, 2000:173, 2001:35, 43, 84, 2004:73 Bremer, Paul, 2004:210, 263 The Bridge on the River Kwai (movie), 1998:187 Brigham Young University (BYU), 2003:299 British Medical Journal, 2004:191 Brokaw, Tom, 2007:193 Brooks, Garth, 2000:265 Brown, Jerry, 2004:42, 2007:355 Brown, Michael, 2005:336–37, 343 Brown, Ron, 2003:252 Brown, Sherrod, 2006:364 Brown, Tina, 1998:194 Brownback, Sam, 2005:142, 300, 310, 2007:113–14, 326 20 chances of winning nomination, 2007:239 evolution and, 2007:250 geographic region and, 2007:344 guns and, 2007:222 image of, 2007:362 Browne, Harry, 2000:161, 182, 397 Brown University, 2003:299 Brown v.
Have less trust in since September 11, 2002:266, 276 opinion of, 2001:233 See also Palestinian Arabs Arafat, Yasser, 1998:155, 1999:45, 2000:210–11, 415, 2002:48, 94, 161, 170 Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 2004:148 Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), 2002:73, 121, 2003:92, 2006:128 Arizona, 2002:160 Arizona Diamondbacks, 2001:82 Arkansas, 2002:160, 339–40 armed forces. S. S. S. , 2000:186 Asian Americans, 2006:408–9, 494 Asians, 2004:274–76, 2005:133, 254–55, 257, 2007:337–39, 353 satisfied way they are treated, 2003:360 Askew, Reubin, 2004:42 aspirations, 2004:263–65 astrology believe in, 2001:137 atheism, atheists, 2004:118, 252–53, 255, 358–59, 511 vote for atheist presidential nominee, 1999:53 athletes greatest active today [list], 2000:289 greatest of century [list], 2000:1 professional, can be trusted, 2002:199 athletics.