By Nahum N. Glatzer, Paul Mendes-Flohr
This rigorously edited collection of correspondence comprises letters either to - and from - Martin Buber from world-renowned students, thinkers, and philosophers. This version includes the Preface to the German variation, in addition to a Biographical cartoon by way of Grete Schaeder.
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Emotionally, she was linked to the world of German classicism and entered the maxims of the classical writers in her account book. To both these elders, tradition and Enlightenment existed side by side. Carl Buber, Martin’s father, with whom the boy spent summer vacations and to whose house he returned at fourteen, was chiefly intent upon managing his business affairs. He believed fully in the ideas of the Enlightenment, in reason and progress. His letters show that he had no understanding for his son’s interest in mysticism and Hasidism.
From 1938 to his death in 1965, Buber lived in Jerusalem, where he held a post at the university as professor of sociology. In 1949 he undertook to set up a Seminar for Teachers of Adult Education, which he headed until 1953. After his retirement, Buber continued to teach, concerning himself chiefly with courses on the Bible. In the 1950s, he undertook extensive lecture tours in Europe and the United States. The letters Buber wrote and received throughout his long life sharpen the outlines of these summary biographical facts, enabling us to see the life lines and the lines of fate, often from quite unexpected angles.
But all his life he remained sensitive to the sparks of interrelationships and was never so insulated against them that his trauma would fail to be aroused in an encounter. “For You” is an example of how those tensions could be discharged in “poetic” form. But within the framework of everyday life, these tensions posed a constant danger. ” They did this for years. Mowgli, the wolf-boy in Kipling’s Jungle Book, stands for the oneness of mind and nature. Martin and Paula both identified with this symbolic figure, and so completely that difference of sex did not matter.