By Kristin Hanson, Sharon Inkelas
A set of essays at the observe through colleagues, scholars, and academics of linguist Paul Kiparsky that displays his detailed concentration and his effect on the sector.
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Make sinnes, else equall, in mee, more heinous? w s w s w s w s w s (‘‘Holy Sonnet: ‘If poysonous mineralls’ ’’ 6) g. Bu¤et, and sco¤e, scourge, and crucifie mee, w s w s w s wsw s (‘‘Holy Sonnet: ‘Spit in my face’ ’’ 2) h. Hee keepes, and gives to me his deaths conquest. w s w s w s w s w s (‘‘Holy Sonnet: ‘Father, part of his double interest’ ’’ 4) Nonlexical Word Stress in the English Iambic Pentameter 43 This practice is not unprecedented in the tradition at Donne’s time; it is also found in Wyatt (as well as later in the tradition in other poets, most notably Milton) (Kiparsky 1977, 202): (32) a.
This is yet another instance of the indirect relationship between metrical pattern and its instantiation in verse. 4 Loose Meters in English In addition to the ‘‘strict’’ iambics discussed above, English poets, as well as poets writing in German and Russian, have employed what Robert Frost has called ‘‘loose’’ iambics. 5 The main di¤erence between strict and loose iambics involves the relationship between the footing and placement of Maxima. In strict iambics, placement of the Maxima is determined by the footing of the line: because of condition (9bi), Maxima can be placed only in head positions of the feet—that is, in even-numbered positions in iambic lines.
Notes I am grateful to Sylvain Bromberger, David Embick, John Frampton, Kristin Hanson, Jay Keyser, Michael Kenstowicz, Bert Vaux, as well as to an anonymous reviewer for helpful comments. 1. Hayes 1995, chapter 8 discusses additional instances of ternary stress patterns and o¤ers an alternative account of these as special cases of binary footing. I am not altogether persuaded by Hayes’s proposals, but because of the complexity of the issues involved, a discussion of these proposals must be deferred to another occasion.