By Jack Martin Balcer
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3; Xen. Cyr. 1; Diod. Sic. 22. Ktesias claimed Cyrus married Astyages' daughter Amytis, thus the bearer of Median hereditary rights FGrH 688 F 9. 1H Hdt. 130; Diod. Sic. 23. Robert Drews, "The Fall of Astyages and Herodotus' Chronology of the Eastern Kingdoms", Historia 18 (1968), 4; M. A. Dandamayev, "Politische und wirtschaftliche Geschichte", in G. ), Beitrage zur Achamenidengeschichte (Wiesbaden 1972), 16. 19 David F. Graf, "Medism: The Origin and Significance of the Term", JHS 104 (1984), 15-30.
245A; Lys. Epit. 25; Paus. 5; Eugene Vanderpool, "A Monument to the Battle of Marathon", Hesperia 35 (1966),93-106. Salamis: PI. Menex. 245A; Xen. An. 3,2,13; Lycurg. LeOc. 73; Paus. 1. Plataia: PI. Menex. 245A; Isoc. Plat. 5'J; Paus. 6. Spartans: Plut. Arist. 3. e", BCf! 87 (1963),579-602. 31 Greek text edited by Meritt and Lang. A. E. Raubitschek, "Two Monuments Erected after the Victory of Marathon", AlA 44 (1940), 53-9; F. Jacoby, "Some Athenian Epigrams from the Persian Wars", Hesperia 14 (1945), 156-211; Benjamin D.
Taylor, The Tyrant Slayers (New York 1981); Joseph W. Day, "Epigrams and History; The Athenian Tyrannicides, A Case in Point", in Creek Historians: Literature and History. Papers Presented to A. E. Raubitschek (Stanford 1986), 25-4fi. 402-3. 35 songs praising those tyrannicides for the expulsion of the tyrant Hippias. 45 A century and a half later, Alexander the Great would return the original sculptural complex from Susa to the Athenians. 46 The "barbarians' impiety" had spawned their own defeat; and as permanent monuments in memory of that conflict, the Greeks gathered at Plataia on the eve of that last crucial, land battle and vowed not to rebuild a single shrine or temple that the barbarians had burned and razed.