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By Ziya Gökalp

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With its high Human Development Indicator rank at 2, Australia is in a position to explain with greater authenticity the story behind those large gaps in well-being and life chances, which continue to prevail in countries which have shown better e-governance records such as South Korea (HDI 12), Malaysia (HDI 62), China (HDI 101) or Indonesia (121). Besides, this Australia’s information and communications technology (ICT) sector has emerged as one of the most highly developed and cost-competitive ICT platforms.

This is also likely to affect implementation of e-governance programmes or ICT-based developmental initiatives, outsourcing, offshoring (Call Centres) and service industry where the workforce is perceptively younger. This being the Asia Pacific region’s major job market, the impact of reduced younger workforce may disrupt many operations. (b) Column three, four and five suggest a substantial rise in the number of elderly people not just in the 65 plus category when most of them are ‘not working’ but also in the age dependency, old, category.

From bride hunting by a nonresident citizen to providing medical resuscitation assistance to a road side accident victim, ICTs have definitely brought people together. However, the criticism that these people who matter over the Internet are knowledge generators and information suppliers in contrast to the marginalised population which neither has access to the internet nor has the language to share emotions and knowledge may get further alienated and deprived should also be taken more seriously in the design of public policy.

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