By Tony Walter
Conversing approximately dying is now stylish, yet how may still we speak? Who may still we take heed to - monks, medical professionals, cousellors, or ourselves? Has psychology changed faith in telling us tips on how to die? This provocative ebook takes a sociological examine the revival of curiosity in loss of life, targeting the hospice stream and bereavement counselling. will probably be required studying for an individual drawn to the sociology of loss of life and taking good care of the death, the lifeless or bereaved.
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Example text
They found various ‘awareness contexts’: ‘closed’ (where the doctor and family conspire to keep the truth from the patient), ‘suspicion’ (where the patient tries various tactics to extract the truth from carers unwilling to tell), ‘mutual pretence’ (where both sides know the patient is dying, but neither wants to upset the other by mentioning it), and ‘open’ (where there is open communication between the patient, the family and professional carers). This book has been widely cited as showing the desirability of open awareness, a key item in the revivalist creed.
Would you want to know if you were dying? Chapter 3 The two strands of revival The modern experience is typically one in which public and private life exist in separate spheres (Berger et al. 1974): Public Private facts reason science (incl. medicine) objectivity work (incl. hospital) production feelings/meanings emotion morality subjectivity home consumer choice In modern death the public dominates the private. The personal feelings of the patient, and indeed of medical and nursing staff, are ignored as the patient is made into an object, a case, a site of disease.
The way in which revivalist doctors, nurses, funeral directors and counsellors control their patients and clients all the more effectively has all the hallmarks of late modernity. The centrality of the individual, doing it their own way, concocting their own cocktail of potent but disparate ingredients with bits of modern psychology tacked onto romantic readings of primitive death, bears the hallmark of postmodernity. And the feedback into practice and experience of sociological, anthropological and especially psychological understandings bears the mark of reflexive modernity.