By Prof. Alexander R. Luria, J. Tizard
During this very important quantity, Prof. Alexander R., Luria, M.D., D.Sc., of the collage of Moscow and the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the U.S.S.R. discusses the position of speech within the psychological improvement of ordinary and mentally subnormal little ones.
The booklet describes successive levels within the acquisition of speech through basic childrens, displaying how language initially achieves an "impelling" functionality, in that it may possibly start up task, yet now not inhibit it; later it acquires a extra "directive" functionality for the kid, with the ability to inhibit in addition to to start up motion. In mentally subnormal childrens this improvement is retarded, and in serious circumstances int by no means matures. There also are qualitative transformations among general and irregular young ones that are ingenuously explored and illustrated during this book.....
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This wayI" etc. ) but later acquired the form of an extended 38 wu w# g 100% 2 Ί CO ^ ·£α* S». JE« ì After ·paired1 *Z J experiments /Û Ji* 1 After practice & J with subject isolated M «M O Φ oj J-4a h-SM. S'-Cf. ■ ■ i Imaginative visual form ^■MM Discursive form Pig· 8b The role of speech in the formulation of practical intellectual action. I. 1 Γ 1* 6. 5. % \ %\ * M lo. of triti· Iλ ' * / \ 3# ** 1/ *' 2 J * \\ 3 Ì J '< L 1 » 1/ rlΓ"ΐ1 / * i-·) 5-20 > Immediate re actions to the length of stimuli Formation of re actions to the length of stimuli after an experi ment of formation of reaction to the order of stimuli Vox· Xhao 20 Pig.
This is not so how ever. In actual fact such a verbal instruction is a good deal more complex than was the previous direct instruction just to squeeze the balloon. , the light) with that of the consequent response (the movement); but this movement must not be made at once but only after the real stimulus (the light) has appeared. Thus in this case the verbal stimulus inhibits both the direct search for the signal, and the actual movement. The essence of the instruction is that it demands a synthesis of the two verbal elements: it is this creation of a preliminary system regulating a subsequent course of action that is the principal distinguishing feature of such verbal instructions.
The verbal reactions either became rapidly extinct, or were produced stereotypically, without any connection with the signal; finally in some cases they began to inhibit the motor reactions by way of negative induction. Fig. 9 shows pictorially how this highly compli cated task deranges organized motor reactions in children at the age of two to two-and-a-half. Quite different results were obtained in children of three to four years, especially in those whose speech had been thor oughly trained in the kindergarten.