By Shelley Wachsmann
This striking precise tale recounts one of many nice discoveries of the century: discovering a 2000-year....
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The cast of characters, as found in legends, is a marvelous one indeed. There are, for example, a satanic bird and a lascivious river, a murderous goddess and a wandering well with magical properties, and legions of deaf demons, to name but a few. One Jewish legend relates how, before God created the earth, the Kinneret existed, floating alone in space? On its waters swam a large bird named Satanel. " God asked the bird. "I am God," came the pompous reply. " asked the Lord. "You? " came the reply.
They pushed the telephone toward me. " And then I shoved the receiver into the hand of one of the men. He had no choice but to talk to Avi. I don't know exactly what Avi said, but from the worried look on this man's face, it seemed clear that Avi was not speaking of high ideals. The man's face went in short order from a grin to a grimace. Every so often he would nod his head sadly. R. The excavation was on. Chapter 2 A Sea of Legends The celebrated Sea of Galilee is not so large a sea as Lake Tahoe by a good deal-it is just about two-thirds as large.
To this day, I remain convinced that the group believed they needed only to haul the boat out of the mud, plunk it on a platform, and open a falafel stand next to it to cater to the millions of tourists that were sure to come. They had no concept of the precarious condition of the artifact nor the arduous salvage work yet to come. I asked them to call Avi and talk to him. They refused. I then asked, in that case, if I might use the telephone to report in. They pushed the telephone toward me. " And then I shoved the receiver into the hand of one of the men.