By Buchanan Claudius 1766-1815, Parker Joseph publisher
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Emigrant Workers to the Streets From the beginning of the Revolution, a “fifth column” nightmare stalked the French subconscious. It concerned the growing Algerian emigrant worker population living in France—approximately 400,000 in 1962; an increase of some 25 percent since 1954. 50 The emigrants’ politicization menaced the métropole’s internal security and precipitated systematic police repression. With terrorism increasing in the autumn of 1961, police harassment intensified with a stifling curfew in the Algerian quarters of Paris.
1931), former governor-general Maurice Viollette called for a reassessment of French colonialism and an opening to Algerian évolués. 94 Furthermore, Germaine Tillion’s sociological research and Camus’s investigative reporting in Kabylia in the 1930s disclosed the social and economic disasters produced by colonialism. Yet even with the remarkable convergence of these critical, contestable discourses, colonial Algeria was not stirred from its oblivion. 95 The prolonged, brutal repression after the Sétif uprising in 1945 demonstrated the extent of this attachment.
45 The FLN’s economic positions mirrored the political uncertainty. 47 The FLN seemed attracted to Maoist mobilization of the peasantry, yet the Proclamation of 1 November stipulated respect for private property. Consider another example of ambiguity: “[Economic development strategy] must be both destructive and constructive. Destructive, in that it will have to break the ties of dependency linking the nation to the dominant country. . Constructive at the same time because it must correspondingly organize an economic system oriented towards the satisfaction of internal needs and .