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2004. The Effects of Infrastructure Development on Growth and Income Distribution. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 3400. Desai, V. , 1999. The Economics and Politics of Transition to an Open Market Economy: India. OECD Development Centre Working Paper No. 155. , Nguyen, D. , 1989. OECD Comparative Economic Growth 1950-1985: Catch-Up and Convergence. The American Economic Review, Vol 79 (5), pp. 1010-1030. , 1996. The Rise of China as an Economic Power. Centre for Economic Performance Discussion Paper No.
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 3400. Desai, V. , 1999. The Economics and Politics of Transition to an Open Market Economy: India. OECD Development Centre Working Paper No. 155. , Nguyen, D. , 1989. OECD Comparative Economic Growth 1950-1985: Catch-Up and Convergence. The American Economic Review, Vol 79 (5), pp. 1010-1030. , 1996. The Rise of China as an Economic Power. Centre for Economic Performance Discussion Paper No. 299, London School of Economics and Political Science, London.