By S.K. Ramachandra Rao.
Use of mystical designs and diagrams.
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Bach of these divinities is associated with a particular mode of consciousness. Hamimän, for instance, is invoked in conditions of fear and anxiety. Vîrabhadra is invoked when the subject is confronted with insurmountable difficulties* Khadga-Ravala when invoked is said to cure the ailments of children caused by evil spirits (bäla-graha). Kärtavlrya's aid is sought to recover lost property and to banish the fear of thiefs and robbers. The yantras associated with such divinities are actually ‘magical* yantras, and may rightly be grouped under the variety we have just now considered.
They are generally referred to as ‘m a s a la s ’, especi ally in Tibet, China and Japan. Rightly are they described as psychocosmogiams : they are models of the subj ective space of the practitioner, incorporating the material and transactional world in which he is involved. Indian thought recognizes three spaceorders : the three-dimensional space*bound world of normal experience (rnahükäsa, meaning the presentational space) ; the subjective space of consciousness and its modalities (chitlàkasa), and the space of pure consciousness which is fundamental to both the above spaces (chidäkasa).
Composite letter y antra from Tibet, 38 Fig. 2. Another letter-yarUra from Tibet. 39 Fig. 3. Another letter-yantra from Tibet; verbal symbols in the from of a deity worship. 40 Fig. 4, 5 and 6. Yam ras employed in Villages of South India for protection of cattle. 41 rig. 7. An illustration of the yantra containing forms representing energies, in various modes. Hg. 8. /¡lustration oj the employment of sheveral geometric(d forms in the yantra 42 Fig. 9. Yantrasfor personal safety, health and prosperity 43 44 £ r > * Fig.