By Andreas Glatz, Veniamin I. Kozub, Valerii M. Vinokur
The booklet displays clinical advancements within the physics of metal compound dependent nanodevices awarded on the NATO-sponsored Workshop on nanophysics held in Russia in the summertime of 2003. this system tackles the main beautiful difficulties. It brings jointly experts and gives a chance for younger researchers from the companion international locations to have interaction with them and get actively excited about the main appealing and promising interdisciplinary region of up to date condensed topic physics.
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3 shows data for a sample nominally identical to that of Fig. 1. The hysteretic MR at I = 0, and current-driven switching at H = 0 (Figs. 3(a,b)), are similar to those in Figs. 1(a,b). The I = 8 mA MR curve in Fig. 3(a) is asymmetric, showing a positive peak at H > 0 like those in the 5 mA curve in Fig. 1(a), but a negative peak at H < 0. Similarly, in the current scans of Fig. 6 kOe in Fig. 5 kOe scan shows a small hysteresis in current switching with a negative peak at larger I. By comparing the 8 mA resistances to the left of the negative 44 S.
This correction has a physical meaning similar to that of the Altshuler-Aronov correction [7] derived for homogeneous disordered metals. Comparing our results in Eqs. (2) with those obtained in Ref. [3] using the AES functional we see that the correction to the conductivity obtained in Ref. [3] is equivalent to the correction δσ1 in Eq. (2), which corresponds in our approach to the sum of diagrams (b) and (c) in Fig. 3. The correction 34 I. S. Beloborodov et al. δσ2 in Eq. (2) becomes important only at low temperatures, T < gT δ where AES functional is not applicable.
A step towards formulation such a theory was made recently in [[3]]. It was shown that depending on the dimensionless tunneling conductance gT one 1, or logarithmic, at gT 1 temperaobserves either exponential-, at gT ture dependence of conductivity. The consideration in [[3]] was based on the approach developed by Ambegaokar, Eckern and Sch¨ on (AES) [5] for tunnel junctions. This technique however, as shown in [4], applies only at temperatures T > gT δ, where δ is the mean energy level spacing in a single grain.