By Bernhard Turban
Processes for constructing safety-critical platforms impose targeted calls for on making sure requisites traceability. attaining useful traceability info, although, is principally tricky about the transition from standards to layout. Bernhard Turban analyzes platforms and software program engineering theories cross-cutting the difficulty (embedded structures improvement, structures engineering, software program engineering, standards engineering and administration, layout idea and techniques for safety-critical systems). As an answer, the writer proposes a brand new instrument method of aid designers of their considering so one can in attaining traceability as a derivative to common layout actions and to increase traceability details with information regarding layout selection rationale.
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An experience report of Heumesser and Houdek [HH04] – from formerly Daimler Chrysler – mentions requirements specifications for the electronics of the whole system 'car' to contain about 20 000 pages, in which the requirements specifications for the single ECUs contain 200 to 600 pages. These high numbers of requirements must be adequately handled. 481f]). • Design and implementation are more and more dominated by the continuous usage of models. 5 (*)]. • Both core activities will be accompanied by verification and validation procedures to assure correctness and reliability of the developed components.
5, current requirements engineering and management (REM) theory is discussed. The traceability concept is a nascent of this theory. Correspondingly, the sub ch. 7 also discusses the traceability concept in the context of REMtheory and explains concepts needed in the following chapters of this part. An extensive discussion of the traceability concept is then performed in ch. 10 of part II. Concerning the transition from requirements to design, the author considers this an especially difficult traceability problem, because this transition is a transition from the problem space description (requirements) to the solution space description (design) implying a considerable semantic gap between both.
This is the case, because different models with different semantics are often employed at different levels of abstraction. Perhaps it is better to say that it should be the goal to have a model of the system. 16 I. 2 Embedded Systems Development Grey, dear friend, is all theory and green is the golden tree of live. J. W. v. Goethe (*) Most of the topics and interrelations discussed in this thesis are not really limited to the embedded systems development market, but the special conditions of the embedded area force a much stronger need for employing some of the later described concepts and techniques.