By Agustiady, Tina Kanti; Cudney, Elizabeth A
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This is the operational measurement to keep production on track. 4 minutes to keep the process on track. Individual cycle times should be balanced to the pace of takt time. To determine the number of employees required, the formula is (Labor time/Unit)/Takt time Takt in this case is time per unit. Takt requires visual controls and helps reduce accidents and injuries in the workplace. Monitoring inventory and production WIP will reduce waste or muda. Muda is a Japanese term for waste where waste is defined as any activity that consumes some type of resource but is non-value added for the customer.
6 Total Productive Maintenance Predictive maintenance is a situation-based method of maintaining equipment. Maintenance activities are performed on equipment based on visible signals or diagnostic techniques to prevent equipment breakdowns from occurring. Examples of predictive maintenance include vibration analysis, ultrasound, thermography, laser measuring, generator analysis, and oil analysis. TPM Project Backgrounds This book provides several real-world case studies and applications of TPM that have shown significant improvement in meeting customer requirements and reducing downtime of processes.
This method catches mistakes and also provides feedback during the check phase. The checks in this place also account for 100% inspection; therefore, all parts or processes are looked upon, indicating no defects. 3 Plan-do-check illustration. TPM and Lean 29 Judgment inspections are those that are done normally by humans based on what their expectations are. They find the defect after the defect has already occurred. Informative inspections are based on statistical quality control (SQC), checks on each product, and self-checks.