By Yingxu Wang (auth.), Marina L. Gavrilova, C. J. Kenneth Tan, Yingxu Wang, Keith C. C. Chan (eds.)
The LNCS magazine Transactions on Computational technology displays fresh advancements within the box of Computational technology, conceiving the sector now not as a trifling ancillary technology yet really as an cutting edge strategy assisting many different medical disciplines. The magazine specializes in unique top of the range learn within the realm of computational technology in parallel and dispensed environments, encompassing the facilitating theoretical foundations and the purposes of large-scale computations and big information processing. It addresses researchers and practitioners in components starting from aerospace to biochemistry, from electronics to geosciences, from arithmetic to software program structure, providing verifiable computational equipment, findings and recommendations and permitting commercial clients to use strategies of modern, large-scale, excessive functionality computational methods.
The 5th quantity of the Transactions on Computational technology magazine, edited through Yingxu Wang and Keith C.C. Chan, is dedicated to the topic of cognitive wisdom illustration. This box of analysis specializes in the interior wisdom illustration mechanisms of the mind and the way those might be utilized to desktop technology and engineering. the problem contains the newest learn leads to inner wisdom illustration on the logical, practical, physiological, and organic degrees and describes their affects on computing, man made intelligence, and computational intelligence.
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IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (C) 36(2), 124–133 (2006) 34. : The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences. MIT Press, Cambridge (2001) On Temporal Properties of Knowledge Base Inconsistency Du Zhang Department of Computer Science California State University Sacramento, CA 95819-6021 Abstract. Inconsistent knowledge and information in the real world often have to do with not only what conflicting circumstances are but also when they happen. As a result, only scrutinizing the logical forms that cause inconsistency may not be adequate.
Zhang Algorithm 2. ) Input: A literal Li, its related logical expression ????, and their time intervals ΔLi, Δ????, respectively. The intervals can be expressed as follows: ΔLi = [????i, ????i + ????i], Δ???? = [????????, ???????? + ????????]. Output: Temporal relation between the literal and the expression, and a determination on ⊭t(Li, ????). If ⊭t(Li, ????) or ⊭t(????, Li), the algorithm also returns the conflicting interval: (return(temporal_relation, determination, conflict_interval). Initialization { temporal_relation = ' '; determination = 0; //A flag that indicates if a literal and its related //logical expression is temporally inconsistent.
For a given atomic formula P(t1, …, tn) where P is the predicate symbol and t1,…,tn, are terms, we introduce a time period to the atom through adding two arguments ????, a time point, and ????, a duration: P(t1, …, tn, ????, ????). The semantic reading of the atom is that the truth value of P(t1, …, tn) is true from the point of ???? and for the period of ????. We can also use Δ=[????, ????+????] to represent the duration and ΔP to denote the time interval for P. There are two possible interpretations of negation: a strong and a weak interpretation [2].