By Mike Ault
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3-4 Oracle9i Security Overview Protecting Data During Transmission Encryption Algorithms Certain encryption algorithms have become industry standard, for the encryption and decryption of data. Table 3–1 Encryption Algorithms Algorithm Characteristics RSA Data Security RC4 Allows high-speed encryption for data privacy. Using a secret, randomly-generated key unique to each session, all network traffic is fully safeguarded—including all data values, SQL statements, and stored procedure calls and results.
Database Roles ■ Global Roles ■ Enterprise Roles ■ Secure Application Roles See Also: "Roles" on page 9-5 Database Roles Privileges enable users to access and modify data in the database. Database roles are named groups of privileges relating to a specific job function that are granted to users or other roles. Because roles allow for easier and better management of privileges, privileges are normally granted to roles and not to specific users. You can selectively enable or disable the roles granted to a user.
Cutting out the middleman" too often cuts out the information security the middleman provides. Likewise, the user community expands from a small group of known, vetted users accessing data from the intranet, to thousands of users accessing data from the Internet. Application hosting providers and exchanges offer especially stringent—and sometimes contradictory—requirements of security by user and by customer, while allowing secure data sharing among communities of interest. While putting business systems on the Internet offers potentially unlimited opportunities for increasing efficiency and reducing cost, it also offers potentially unlimited risk.