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By Mike Ault

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Let's call the same SQL statement with hints 'HINTSQL' 2. Create the OUTLINE for ORIGINALSQL 3. Create the OUTLINE for HINTSQL 4. Exchange the OUTLINE plan between the two OUTLINES 5. Drop the OUTLINE for HINTSQL 6. Now the OUTLINE plan for ORIGINALSQL is the same as the execution plan of HINTSQL which uses HINTs. Only the point 5 (Exchange the OUTLINE plan between the two OUTLINEs) is detailed below. The rest of the steps are covered in the bulk of the paper. OL$HINTS SET OL_NAME=DECODE(OL_NAME,'HINTSQL','ORIGINALSQL','ORIGINALSQL','HINTSQL') WHERE OL_NAME IN ('HINTSQL','ORIGINALSQL'); Commit; Example Let’s look at an example using the SCOTT schema using the example schema objects.

All rights reserved. 0 - Production PAGE 27 COPYRIGHT © 2003 RAMPANT TECHPRESS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 06 via conventional path import done in US7ASCII character set and US7ASCII NCHAR character set import server uses WE8ISO8859P9 character set (possible charset conversion) . importing OUTLN's objects into OUTLN . importing table "OL$" 2 rows imported . importing table "OL$HINTS" 17 rows imported Import terminated successfully without warnings. Of course you could have also imported the tables into a different user and then used an INSERT using a SELECT to add the outlines if you wanted to retain the outlines already in production.

OL$HINTS SET OL_NAME=DECODE(OL_NAME,'HINTSQL','ORIGINALSQL','ORIGINALSQL','HINTSQL') WHERE OL_NAME IN ('ORIGINALSQL','HINTSQL'); PAGE 23 COPYRIGHT © 2003 RAMPANT TECHPRESS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ROBO BOOKS MONOGRAPH STABILIZING EXECUTION PLANS IN ORACLE commmit; Please note that the outline names used (ORIGINALSQL and HINTSQL) must be unique. Now under the SCOTT user, drop the temporary OUTLINE HINTSQL. DNAME; The plan for this SQL is now the same access plan as the SQL with HINTS. 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 2 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=CHOOSE SORT (GROUP BY) NESTED LOOPS (OUTER) TABLE ACCESS (BY INDEX ROWID) OF 'DEPT' INDEX (RANGE SCAN) OF 'I_DEPT$LOC' (NON-UNIQUE) TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'EMP' Moving OUTLINES from One DB to Another A user may want to copy OUTLINEs from one database to another, for example, to copy the outlines of an application from a test database to a production database.

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