By Frank White
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The dot product f =n· τ is a vector that differs from n in both length and direction. 17. Actions of a tensor τ on three mutually perpendicular infinitesimal plane surfaces. © 2000 by CRC Press LLC are the actions of a tensor τ on the unit normals n1 , n2 and n3 of three mutually perpendicular infinitesimal plane surfaces, as illustrated in Fig. 17, then τ is given by τ = n1 f1 + n2 f2 + n3 f3 . 95) The tensor τ is thus represented by the sum of three dyadic products. Note that a second-order tensor associates a vector with each coordinate direction.
In index notation, a vector v is represented as 3 vi ≡ vi ei = v . 123) τij ei ej = τ . 125) where xi is the general Cartesian coordinate taking on the values of x, y and z. The unit tensor I is represented by Kronecker’s delta: 3 3 δij ≡ δij ei ej = I . 126) i=1 j=1 It is evident that an explicit statement must be made when the tensor τij is to be distinguished from its (i, j) element. With Einstein’s summation convention, if an index appears twice in an expression, then summation is implied with respect to the repeated index, over the range of that index.
Actions of a tensor τ on three mutually perpendicular infinitesimal plane surfaces. © 2000 by CRC Press LLC are the actions of a tensor τ on the unit normals n1 , n2 and n3 of three mutually perpendicular infinitesimal plane surfaces, as illustrated in Fig. 17, then τ is given by τ = n1 f1 + n2 f2 + n3 f3 . 95) The tensor τ is thus represented by the sum of three dyadic products. Note that a second-order tensor associates a vector with each coordinate direction. The vectors f1 , f2 and f3 can be further expanded into measurable scalar components, f1 = τ11 n1 + τ12 n2 + τ13 n3 , f2 = τ21 n1 + τ22 n2 + τ23 n3 , f3 = τ31 n1 + τ32 n2 + τ33 n3 .