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15,000 houses destroyed 17 million dollars in losses 56 METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA WEATHER AND CLIMATE 57 Anatomy of a Hurricane hurricane, with its ferocious winds, banks of clouds, and torrential rains, is the most spectacular meteorological phenomenon of the Earth's weather. It is characterized by an intense low-pressure center surrounded by cloud bands arranged in spiral form; these rotate around the eye of the hurricane in a clockwise direction in the Southern Hemisphere and in the opposite direction in the Northern Hemisphere.
Record on a strip of cardboard graduated in hours The intervals burned give a count of the hours of sunlight during the day. Siphon Collector container Rain Meter Automatic Weather Station EVAPORIMETER As its name indicates, it measures the effective evaporation of water from a mass of liquid in the open air, from its loss from the surface through transformation to water vapor. RAIN METER This is used to keep a chronological record of the amount of water falling as rain. An automatic meteorological station uses electrical sensors to record temperature, humidity, wind velocity and direction, atmospheric pressure, and rainfall, among other parameters.
SURYA Hindu god of the sun. In India the sun personified as Surya was considered to be harmful by the Dravidians of the south but benevolent by the peoples of central regions. These peoples attributed great healing power to the god. Hinduism has various weather-related gods. The most popular is Surya (god of the sun). Next come Chandra (god of the moon), Indra (the god who governs heaven), and Parjanya (god of rain). Japanese mythology emphasizes the following: Fujin (god of wind), Amaterasu (goddess of the sun), Tsukiyomi (god of the moon), Amatsu-kami (god of heaven), Susanoo (god of storms), and AjiSuki-Taka-Hi-Kone (god of thunder).