By Thomas Richard Baker
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9. Graph your recorded data on graph paper using an appropriate scale. Beginning temperatures (deg. C) Thermometer # 4-2 Beginning temperatures Heat in the atmosphere 19 Heating Temperature ( deg . C } --2»-— K--]Ul £1 °’ K---3 c. -]10 __K_ Thermometer # OBSERVATIONS 1. Which thermometer received the strongest light? QUESTIONSICONCLUSIONS 1. In the Northern Hemisphere, the earth is closest to the sun in the winter, yet it’s colder in winter than in summer. Why is this? 2. What feature of the earth is crucial to the change of seasons throughout the year?
5. Secure with a rubber band. 38 The atmosphere 3-inch-by-5-inch card .... ;ggge;;;;g;;;2;2;2;2;2;2¤2=2=s=2===¤¤===·=·· "_ Balloon,. I > ] K . t.. Toothpick 8-I Construction model 6. Glue the toothpick onto the balloon. 7. With tape, mount the card on the side of the jar. 8. " 9. " 10. Place the barometer indoors away from moisture, heat, or windows. Be sure to keep the apparatus at a constant temperature. 11. Observe the barometer daily for any changes. See FIGS. 8-2 and 8-5 for examples. OBSERVATIONS 1.
26 The earth H t' n b n t' n This experiment features a model of wind traveling from a warmer area to a cooler area. (See FIG. ) Tll€I'€ 3I`€ fl'13f1y €X3ITlpl€S of these l{lIlClS of cycles [l’1I'OUghOL1[ 3 glV€l'1 I'€glOH. Célfl you name some of these cycles? PURPOSE The purpose of this lab is to observe a convection cycle of heated/cooled air. MATERIALS NEEDED • Lamp with 60—watt or 75-watt bulb. lfl'l. * NlI'l€ [l'1€I`IT1OI1'l€I€I'S. • Watch or clock with second hand. • Masking tape. • One 500-milliliter beaker filled with ice cubes.