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By Roger S. Pressman

This e-book via the writer of the best-selling software program Engineering: A Practitioner's method is exclusive in its software of software program engineering ideas to development potent web-based platforms and functions. Roger Pressman and his co-author, David Lowe, supply sensible recommendation to scholars and pros alike on tips to engineer and continue advanced web content. Roger Pressman is the prime authority in software program engineering and one of many best-known authors in machine technology. His new ebook objectives the rising internet engineering marketplace, a space whose parameters and personality are nonetheless evolving and the place an skilled and relied on voice is mainly welcome. This publication is designed to supply scholars with an outstanding realizing of a practical technique for engineering Web-based purposes. it really is written in a casual, conversational sort, utilizing a query and resolution layout to mentor the reader during this new engineering self-discipline.

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Team member 2: We’d find that anyway after we coded the WebApp. Team member 1: I’m not so sure that’s true. What if we didn’t model and because of that we got requirements wrong? We code the wrong solution and then marketing [the customer] screams. We’ve got to go back and do it again. That’s rework, and that takes time. Team member 2: More time than modeling? Team member 1 (smiling): Yeah, more time than modeling. What Design Modeling Tasks Can Be Applied? 9 The following tasks and related questions should help when you consider how to develop a design model: • Design the interface (Chapter 9).

How much effort (person-days) and time (calendar days) will be required to model, construct, and deploy the increment? What resources (people, hardware, software) will be required to do the work? • Assess risks associated with the delivery of the increment. What risks should be addressed during the development of this increment? How will high-probability, high-impact risks be mitigated? What long-range risks should be considered? • Defi ne the development schedule for the increment. How will tasks be allocated along the time line for the increment?

Links, buttons, menus) are required? How are control mechanisms positioned on a Web page? Does the design accommodate every usage scenario? 10 How will the page layout be implemented? Will color and form vary depending on context? 9 In most cases, a design model incorporates some, but not necessarily all, of the design aspects discussed. , graphic artists). indd 38 1/2/08 3:44:16 PM CHAPTER 3 39 A WEB ENGINEERING PROCE SS How will navigation mechanisms be positioned and represented? Are all logos, graphics, images, and backgrounds implemented and available?

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