By Seán P. Ó Mathúna
English translation from the Irish variation, Dublin, 1981
William shower, S.J. (1564-1614) was once a pioneer in linguistics. the current booklet bargains with Bathe's family members heritage, his lifestyles and repair as a courtier, diplomat and, ultimately, Jesuit educator, and, specifically, his contribution to the examine of language and his most vital booklet, Ianua Linguarum (1611).
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Example text
The tract is mainly concerned with administrative matters during his presidency of the Irish College but there are precise details of his youth and early days in Salamanca. Some of the latter are indepen dently verified in 'Patres et Fratres Hiberni e Societate Jesu, Anno 1617' Irish Ecclesiastical Record, 1873, p. 529. 134. 523-527. 135. J. O'Doherty: 'Students of the Irish College, Salamanca, 1619-1670'. 88. 136. Bathe departed for the continent m 1591 but did not enter the Jesuit order until 1595.
5,6. 156. 426. 157. The Complete Peerage (Ed. H. 124. 158. Ms. 105. 159. 503. 160. Letter 34, Vol. 55, Elizabeth. 161. X. 91; 'Qui ingressi sunt Capucinos'. V. Ronan: 'Visitation of Dublin, 1630. 66 (n). 162. X. 269. 163. 301-303. 164. 311. 165. A. 32. 166. 307; A. 8 and passim; A. 234, 235. 167. The money was paid over. 168. James was the son of Sir John Bathe and Janet Dillon, daughter of Thomas Dillon, Chief Justice. 169. Robert was the son of Sir John Bathe and his second wife, Barbara, daughter of Alderman Patrick Gough.
37. 5. E. 6 - Southern Fingal, pp. 157-160. 6. C. l01. 'Recusancy and the Dublin Stanyhursts'. Archivium Hibernicum, 7. The form de Bathe occurs in some official documents until the end of the sixteenth century, but Bathe is the usual form of the surname during the period under review. There was a tendency to drop the e in later times. 8. Genealogy Office (Dublin Castle): Manuscript 164 ('Registered Pedigrees in Ulster's Office'), pp. 104,105. 9. A. 688,689. 10. H. 635. 11. Ibid. 535 12. 'fidejussores'.