By L. Ambrosius
In Wilsonianism , American international kin expert Lloyd E. Ambrosius has compiled his released and unpublished essays on Woodrow Wilson's liberal ideology and statecraft in the course of and after global warfare I. even supposing the president failed in his pursuit of a brand new global order, his legacy of Wilsonianism - the rules of nationwide self-determination, monetary globalization, collective safety, and revolutionary historicism - persisted to form U.S. overseas family members during the American Century. Ambrosius examines the yank roots of Wilson's liberal internationalism, the dilemmas and contradictions in his ideas, and the not easy effects of U.S. efforts to enforce Wilsonian beliefs with out absolutely appreciating the world's cultural pluralism in addition to its fiscal and political interdependence. providing a pluralist variation of the realist culture in diplomacy, Ambrosius stresses the centrality of energy; yet keeps that tradition and political economic system in addition to army energy ensure the stability of strength inside and between international locations or empires. for that reason, he concludes, making the realm secure for democracy has been extra difficult in perform, either at domestic and in another country, than proclaiming Wilsonian ideas within the abstract.
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A10ng wirh the philosopher Jo hn Dewey, Ihey heralded American belligerency as a crusade fo r democracy. Reconciling Iheir liberal idealism wilh pragmatism, which requi red them tO jusliry the war's COStS by its results, [hey anticipated a posrwar world of democracy and peace. 14 C roly, Lippmann, and Dewey, like the president, waßled the United States 10 redeem the Old World and transform international relations through rhe Lcague of Nations. listic hopes could never be achievcd. )'. Denouncing it, rhesc" liberal5 now opposed American membership in the Lcague.
11 is the embodimenl. ·een the hegemony of the Unitcd States over its wcaker neighbors and that of other empires, the president presupposed that his view of progressive American 38 I WILSONI ANISM politics coincided with the interests of Latin American nations. society along the lines of greatcst usefulness and eonveniencc w irselC As he had eadier for the United Stares, Wilson now prescribed "progressive order" for Latin America to avoid unconrrollable chaos. The Latin Americans, howcver, were no more eager to submit to American than w European conrrol.
The nation which is tO rry democracy successfully must nO[ on[y feel itself an organic body, but must be accustomed to act as an organic body .... Not 01 habit of revolution, but 01 habit of resolution must constitute the politicallife of the nation. ~43 In other words, only modern nations thar hOld reached this stage in rheir polirical development were ready for democraric self-rule. Wilson's concept of democracy, which mirrored his exelusive view of the American people, required hirn tO define sovereignry in 01 resrricrive way.