By Yasser Seirawan
This is often the second one in Seirawan's 4 volumes, taking the reader from the very fundamentals of chess via appreciation of complicated play. He does a extraordinary activity of discussing strategies that sometimes seem simply in books for complex gamers and speaking them to a person with a snatch of enjoying basics. the 1st a part of the booklet offers with uncomplicated strategies and the way they are often used separately and together. within the moment half, Seirawan introduces the various nice chess tacticians and their video games, extra illustrating strategies as they figure out in real-life play.
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Example text
Whit. to play. , and after 1 . NxgB or 1. Nf7 is checkmate. My favorite smothered check mate pattern is shown in Diagram 49. Here we have the same position as in Diagram 48, except that White is without his Bishop on c4. Kxg8. However, White can still checkmate with DIAGRAM 49. White to play. QgB+!! Nf7 Checkmate. This last example calls to mind a fond memory. When my fIrst chess teacher, Jeffrey Parsons, showed me this smothered checkmate, I was in breathless awe. I ran home to demonstrate it to my mother, who was busy preparing the evening meal.
Remember, good players become good only after suffering lots of defeats. So take heart! e4 Nf6 Chess has been played for centuries, and records have been kept of the strongest players' games. Over the years, opening schemes that have stood the test of time have been given names. Openings have been named for the nationality of players who championed their cause (Russian Defense, French Defense, English Opening, and so forth) or for the place where games featuring that opening were played (Merano Defense, Cambridge Springs Defense, Catalan Opening, and so on).
Bd6?? e5! This pawn .. fork will win one of the Black pieces. Amazing, but true: The two mighty Black pieces are helpless against the lowly White pawn! DIAGRAM 26. Black to play. 31 PART 1 : Tactics and Combinations DIAGRAM 27. DIAGRAM 28. White to play. White to play. By creating a pawn fork in Diagram 27, White has two ways of winning material. fxe5, thereby winning a pawn and forking two Black pieces. If Black answers 1 . exf4 or 1 . eS leads to the desired fork. dxeS! f4, which threatens Black's Bishop.