Download Yom Kippur Arab-Israeli War by Simon Dunstan PDF

By Simon Dunstan

On October 6, 1973, simultaneous assaults on fronts stuck Israel without notice, at the holiest day of the Jewish 12 months. With Israeli forcxes stuck unprepared, the Egyptian crossing of the Suez Canal, and the Syrian assault at the Golan Heights have been either at first profitable. the next month observed determined struggling with because the Israeli forces slowly drove the invading armies again. It took UN ceasefires, and the specter of Soviet intervention sooner than the Israeli forces got here to a halt.
Simon Dunstan deals a balanced research of the Yom Kippur battle, describing the foremost battles and the forces concerned and analyzing the result of the struggle - how at nationwide and foreign degrees the battle was once a catastrophe from which Israel has no longer recovered, because the country turned dependant at the united states for army, diplomatic and financial aid. Illustrated with full-color paintings, images and targeted maps, this publication presents an perception into the hostilities that enveloped the center East, the aftereffects of that are nonetheless obvious at the present time.

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Most were not members of the assimilated middle class, to which he himself belonged, but the so-called Ostjuden, eastern European Jews, who had recently arrived in the Austrian capital and were desperately trying to make their way in it. In fact, “the programmatic encouragement of the settlement in Palestine with Jewish agricultural workers, laborers, and those pursuing other trades” (a resolution adopted by the First Zionist Congress) had started twenty years earlier. The signal was given by the Russian pogroms of 1881–1883, which in turn were sparked off by the assassination of Tsar Alexander III.

It even attracted immigrants from these countries. It also paid more than its share of taxes into the Ottoman treasury. ”9 Nevertheless, poverty was extreme. The country had neither industry, nor industrial workers, nor capital to speak of. The cities were filthy, crowded, and swarming with an ill-clad, barefooted, Lumpenproletariat trying to live hand to mouth while constantly pressing foreigners, all of whom were considered wealthy, for baksheesh (alms). Some villages had barely changed since Biblical times, consisting mostly of one- or two-room hovels made of mud bricks dried in the sun and packed closely together to provide for mutual defense.

On one hand was the movement of Jews out of the ghettoes that started around the time of the French Revolution and gathered steam throughout the nineteenth century; on the other, the rise, from about 1860 on, of modern, race-based, anti-Semitism. The first encouraged Jews to integrate themselves into the surrounding gentile society, which they were assisted in doing by the widespread tendency toward civil emancipation in the West. The second frustrated their efforts and often made a mockery of them; the harder they tried, the less accepted they were.

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